Useful links to the German law

Our international Partners

AdGenius domiciliated in Lausanne Switzerland advises and accompanies private and public enterprises in the formulation, improvement and development of their structures in the field of their service activities.

The CEO of AdGenius Jacques Genoud as an economist and engineer with 20 years’ experience in service marketing and in the management of service units has been responsible, in particular, for the definition of the service business strategy for international companies, as well as for the management of large service units in these companies. As part of his role as CEO, Jacques is also responsible for AdGenius development activities, managing the strategic workshops and the training sessions, and organizing the client and personnel satisfaction surveys. Moreover, he advises at the level of the enterprises.

In collaboration with AdGenius the combination of our legal and commercials skills allow us to advise on the establishment, improvement and deployment of professional service contracts (Service Level Agreements - SLAs).




Contact us

Law office
Gerald E. Bitzer
Dahlienstr. 19
D-80935 Muenchen

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Phone: +49 89 313 4154
Fax: +49 89 3584 6926
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